Welcome to CAUSS - Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam!
Tired of ugly illegal street signs in your neighborhood?
You can help clean up your corners!
Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam (CAUSS)TM is a website where concerned citizens and Code Enforcement Officers can research how to eliminate ugly and illegal street signs on telephone poles, street corners, and other public areas. These signs are also known as street spam, bandit and snipe signs, vertical litter, illegal signs and utility telephone pole advertising.
Examples include got junk, real estate apprentice, real estate investor, I buy houses, we buy houses, I buy homes, rent to own, lease purchase, avoid foreclosure, sell your home in 9 days, sell your house in 7 Days, single?, want extra income, and quality affordable health insurance.
These signs are illegal in 99% of our cities and counties across the United States.
CAUSS emphasizes cooperating with Code Enforcement in dealing with the blight of ugly, illegal signs. It's easy to remove illegal street signs.
How did I end up on the CAUSS.org website that fights illegal street signs?